Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So this pool we have is sorta a lot of work. Unfortunately, it is not one of those fancy shmancy in ground pools that automatically cleans, and filters, the water all by itself. As a result, we have to do this all by hand, on a daily basis.

Somewhere along the way there was some miscommunication between the Mr. and I, as I thought he was taking care of this, and he thought I was. It was strange to hear that he thought I was responsible for cleaning, and checking the chemicals, as I have no idea how to do it, and have asked him numerous times to show me and he has not. He also thought I was responisble for getting the filter to run 4 hours a day. Again, interesting, as there is no way that I would be able to lift the 200 lb (alright, it is not that heavy, but close enough) generator from the garage all the way into the back yard to get it plugged in so that the filter is able to run.

So we had been using the pool on a daily basis ever since we had purchased it. I had Mr. Shelton going out there to check it and get the filter going pretty much every day. Then we hit a colder, rainy spell here in Minnesota, so the pool went unused for 4 days. Over those four days I asked the Mr. to get out there and check the PH levels, and to get the generator out there so that we could run the filter. I kept getting, "yep, I will get to it" or sometimes I would just get a quick glance in my direction as he ran out the door to work. So, you get it, the pool was not being taken care of.

On the fourth day the kids ran out to the back yard to play and minutes later came running in the house with looks of horror on their faces. "Mommy, the pool is all green!"


I went out to see if what they were saying was true, and sure enough it was. The pool was pea green. You could not see the bottom if you even tried it was so grossly green. All that work to get the pool set up and filled, only to have it ruined 3 weeks later. Not Happy. At all.

I have spent the last 2 days emptying the nasty water out of the pool, and will now spend the next 2 days cleaning it and putting it away for the summer. No more pool. Mr. Shelton informed me that it was way too expensive to refill the pool, and that he clearly does not have the time to take care of it.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. For that whole 3 weeks.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Definately GROSS! Three weeks is definately not enough to have had all that clean-up you mentioned, UGH!