Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have mentioned this in previous posts, but I have to say it again. I am having a very difficult time with the idea of Olivia being our last baby. I love babies. I love the way they smell, I love the way they laugh and smile at pretty much any silly face you make. I love that they love you no matter what. I love that they are not yet able to sass, or talk back, or fight with older siblings. Oh, there are so many things I love about babies. Take a look, isn't this baby too cute for words? Yes, she is.

But, alas, I do have to stop having them at some point, or I will land myself a one way ticket to the looney bin. Really, I will.

With Brian's work schedule, and the schedules that my three oldest already have I simply cannot keep up anymore. There are Dr. appointments, play dates, karate classes, dance classes, summer programs. On top of all this running there are piles and piles and piles of laundry to be done, dishes to wash, a house to clean, yard to keep up, and all that other stuff. AND more importantly, there are bills to be paid, and clothes, backpacks, shoes, etc. to be purchased x 4 - which is extremely stressful on the pocket book. Whew. Too much. Right?

I remind myself of all this every few months, when I see Olivia getting bigger, learning new things, and growing up. I remind myself to try and scratch away that itch I have to have another baby, and the itch does go away, but not for long. It just keeps coming back.

What to do?

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