Friday, July 17, 2009


Some good things happened yesterday.

First, Miss Ava finally got up the courage to get her ears pierced. I have been asking if she wants them pierced now for two years. The response has usually been "Noooooo! It is going to hurt." Or "No, I want to wait until I am [insert whatever age she will be the next year]. " Sometimes we would go so far as to walk into Claire's Boutique, look at the earrings, and decide it is still a "no."

Somehow yesterday was different, yet it started out the same. We walked into Gap looking for some Fall fleece's for the kids, and while walking in I eyed the Claire's Boutique on the other side of the street.

"Hey, Ava, should we get your ears pierced today?"

"Nooooo. Not until I am 7."

"Are you sure? It would be so much fun, we are having a girl's day out, what fun would it be to come home with pierced ears!?! Daddy would be so excited!"

"O.K. only if you and Livi get your ears pierced too."

"Well, Liv can't, she is too little, and I already have mine pierced."

"Maybe... we can go look and then see if I want to."

We did our shopping at Gap and made our way over to Claire's. She spent a good while slowly walking around the store, looking at every last thing. Staling.... I told her she could pick out a pair of earrings, any pair she wanted. What did she pick out? A pair of loooong, dangly, heavy earrings in the shape of a guitar. Nice, the one pair I would have to say no to. After perusing a bit more, and choosing two pair of earrings that were more acceptable for the lobes of a 6 year old, she finally got up the courage to sit in the chair and get those ears pierced.

She ended up crying (which I knew would happen), but it did not last for long. Once the girl handed her the mirror to take a gander at her newly pierced ears she was all smiles.

As we walked out of the store, holding hands and pushing Liv's stroller, she looked up at me and said:

"Mom, you lied! You said it wouldn't hurt that much, and it did."

"I said it would hurt, but only for a quick minute. It was worth it though, wasen't it?"

With a smile that seemed to stretch ear to ear "Yes, it was."

Onto good thing #2.

Lucas started Karate classes a few weeks ago. And let's just say he loves it. Adores it. Thinks it is the best thing ever. This makes me very happy to see him so happy, so it is really a win, win.

Anyway, he has been going for a few weeks now, working toward the goal of getting his very first belt, the white belt. And yesterday he achieved this goal.

At the end of class the instructor noticed that it was a special day, that Mr. Lucas had earned his very first belt. He instructed Lucas and the other four little boys in the class to line up facing the mirror. He then asked everyone to sit down, everyone except for Lucas. The instructor walked away for a moment to retrieve the belt. The other little boys were sitting down, looking up at him in approval, noting what a big deal this all was. While the instructor was gone, I glanced at Lucas to find that he was beaming. He stood there full of pride, with a huge grin on his face, he seemed as if he could barely contain his excitement. I could feel his sense of accomplishment, and it was one of the best feelings ever.

The instructor returned, had him do a few kicks and punches, and said a few words to him about working hard and giving his best to achieve his next belt, which would be orange in color. Lucas replied with a very strong, loud, "Yes, Sir!" He bowed to his instructor, and then was given his belt. Everyone clapped for him, including Miss Olivia Grace.

It was all so very sweet. I was so proud of my Lucas Alexander - what a moment. I only wish that Mr. Shelton could have been there to see it.

Days like this seem to get me through all the tough days where I am breaking up fights, cleaning up messes, doing too much laundry, feeling stressed, like there is not enough of me to go around, and pulled in every direction possible. I need days like this. I look forward to days like this. I love them. It was a good day indeed.

1 comment:

KB said...

So pretty!!! It is those days that just make all the bad disappear for awhile. Enjoy!