Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My poor little Olivia Grace has been dealing with a yucky case of the chicken pox ever since this past weekend. I must say, for being just 10 months old, she has been hanging in there pretty well all week. She has seemed pretty happy and not bothered too much by the itchy little bumps covering most of her little body, until yesterday.

Yesterday she cried pretty much every time I sat her down on the floor to play, was not interested in eating much, and was pulling at her hair a lot. I am assuming this was because her poor little scalp is covered in chicken pox and they were itching. Poor baby.

I decided to cave and give her some benadryl. The Dr. mentioned that if she seemed uncomfortable that I could give her 1/4 tsp, but to not give it to her unless she really seemed in need. I decided that she really seemed in need.

After I gave her the medicine she seemed more comfortable, but very sleepy. We spent the afternoon and into the evening on the couch snuggling, which was really so very sweet. [I hate when any of my kids are sick, but the one positive to it all is that they love to be close and snuggle when they are. ]

Once she was pretty much out cold sleeping on my chest,

I carried her up to her crib to sleep for the night hoping she would feel better in the morning.

Turns out a good night sleep helped.


She is not feeling 100% quite yet, and most likely won't until next week, but it sure is nice to see her smiling and laughing.

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