Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We like Cheetos 'round the Shelton house. I stopped purchasing them some time ago, as everytime we had them in the house they seemed to magically disappear right before my eyes and into my children's and my spouses stomachs. The problem with this were many. One: they all ended up having stomach aches shortly after ingestion. Two: they seemed to not learn from the stomach aches the first time, and kept making the same mistake of eating too many in one sitting. Three: I am the only one in this little family of mine that finds eating too much of these things is not healthy. Four: let's just say eating a whole bag of these really bad for you, make your hands, face, clothes, and any furniture in the near vacinity orange things we call Cheetos is just plain old disgusting.

So like I said, I stopped purchasing them, and we went about our lives, business as usual. I do have to say that the kids, and the Mr. all dealt with the fact that Cheetos were no longer found in the pantry quite well. They seemed to forget all about them actually.

Then one day, as I was winding my way up and down the isles at the local grocery store, I came upon a fabulous find. All Natural White Cheddar Cheetos.
Aaaaa-Ha! An alternative to the much adored by the family regular old Cheetos. I had to buy them, and I did. And everyone loved me for it. The kids, the Mr and believe it or not, yours truly, really enjoys eating them as a snack. But I do have to say that Miss Liv Grace seems to be the one who loves them the most.

Today, she managed to pull the bag off of the countertop while standing on her tippiest of tippy toes. When it hit the floor, she was quick to drop the sippy cup in hand and grab that bag.

Once the bag was in her posession, she walked around the kitchen with it, quite happy about having the whole bag to herself.

She stopped here and there to open up the bag, grab a few out and gobble them up, probably in fear that Mom was going to take them away.

To persuade me to let her keep them, she offered to share with me by holding the bag out towards me. How nice...

As you can tell from the picture, her hand seemed to be pretty far down into that bag. Almost as if.... as if.... the Cheetos were gone. Heaven's no, it could not be true!

Unfortunately, it was true. After taking the bag away and distracting her with some of her favorite books, she seemed to quickly forget about the empty bag, and calmed down quite quickly.
What can I say? The girl loves her Cheetos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is the best picture story yet. You really captured some precious reactions ...hard to do.....I would think. excellent facial expressions , cute story.