Monday, September 14, 2009


Summer fun is coming to an end.

Soon Liv won't be chasing balls out in the cul-de-sac,

or taking a ride in her ever favorite Little Tykes car down the driveway.

Soon Ava and Lucas won't be playing base tag, riding bikes, and playing kick ball with the neighbors,

and Anthony won't be standing in the background, watching this all happen, taking his time to join in on the fun.

Soon the kids won't be taking a break from the pool to enjoy their ice cream treats in the hot sun,

or stopping for a moment in the midst of a game of tag to roll around in the cool grass.

Soon we won't be riding bikes in the rain,

Or making trips to Nona and Papa Scotty's cabin to spend time with cousins, hanging out on the dock, dipping toes into the cold lake water.

Soon we won't be spending every Sunday out on the St. Croix, boating,

playing in the sand,
Enjoying snacks on the boat,
playing in the water, and enjoying friends in the hot sun.
Soon we won't be going camping, spending times playing in the mud in our pajamas, swimsuits, or whatever attire the kids feel like,
and making smore's after dinner.
Although it's sad to see Summer go, we had such fun, and made some memories that will be remembered for a life time.
Here's to looking forward to next summer, and to more great memories that will be made.


KB said...

You need to frame the picture on the dock. It is absolutely priceless!!!

Kari said...

What a fun summer! Love the photos. Really caputured the wonderful memories you will cherish.