Thursday, September 24, 2009


The Mr. is away on a 5 day cross country road trip with his friend Bill, delivering the big red bus to his brother in California.

Big Red Bus you say? This would be the extra large motor home that the Mr. purchased a few years ago, thinking he would rent it out and make oodles of money doing so. Turns out he never got around to renting it, so it has turned into a thorn in our side as far as the monthly payments. But the thorn was pulled out just recently when his brother Jeff, who lives in California decided he wanted to buy it. Of course, once Mr. Shelton heard this, the wheels began turning. Thoughts of how he could get a fun week away with a friend, out on the open road, stopping in different cities, visiting different bars, restaurants, staying up late, meeting the locals, all that fun stuff. So he planned a trip, and set off on his adventure last night.

The Mrs. is at home dealing with the mudroom/laundry room project, getting the kids to and from school, play dates, dance, and karate. Cooking, cleaning, trying to stay on top of the laundry. Breaking up fights, trying to peel Anthony away from the playstation 2 Star Wars game long enough to eat something, dealing with random kids from the neighborhood who I don't even know showing up on my doorstep (escorted by older brother) to play (two days in a row now). And on top of all this, normal regular, run of the mill type stuff, I have been dealing with (for 1 1/2 weeks now) my angry digestive system that seems to want to do nothing but revolt against me by giving me many, many, not so pleasent visits to the bathroom.

So why am I taking the time to complain on this blog post, when, as you can see from above I have a million other things to get done at this juncture? Well, to do just that. Complain. Vent. Get it all off my chest. It's cathartic for me to be able to write when I am frustrated or angry about things. Plus it is only human for me to have my not so good days, and for you, dear reader, to know that things are not always rainbows and butterflies over here in the Shelton house.

Off to get the kids fed, Ava to dance class, homework done, everyone bathed and in bed.

Done complaining now, thanks for listening, I feel better already.


KB said...

Sounds like a girls weekend is in order! You deserve it!

KB said...

That or something shiny and smells of fine jewelry!