Monday, September 21, 2009


As I mentioned in my previous post, we were away from home all weekend, camping. I also mentioned how chaotic it was leaving the house Friday afternoon with all the packing, organizing, and general getting out of the house tasks. So I did not notice something as I had left the house that afternoon. What is it that I did not notice?

I did not notice that the fan in the bathroom was on. Yes, the fan in the bathroom was on, and it was left on all Friday evening, all day Saturday, and into Sunday afternoon when I finally arrived home and turned it off.

Why the heck was the fan on all weekend?

I then remembered quite vividly, that as we were walking out the door Lucas mentioned he had to go #2. My Lucas always takes his time on the toilet (just like his Father), so I knew I had some time to kill. I told him I would be outside, and that he should come out when he was finished. I made my way outside to check and double check the car in case there was anything I was missing before we finally headed out. I did my checking, ended up running in and out of the house a few times over, and packing even more items into the abyss of a car I had. This took some time. And still Lucas was on the toilet.

I ran back out to the car to screaming kids, yelling the car was too full. Ava could not get to her car seat as the bikes were in the way, Anthony's goldfish fell and he couldn't reach them as the bike wheel was in his way, Olivia dropped her sippy cup on the floor, under the seat which was nearly impossible to fish out. I was getting frustrated. My mind was on other things when Lucas finally emerged from the house, done in the bathroom, ready to go. Because of this, I forgot to tell him to forget about turning the fan on this time around.

I am sure you are dying to know what the deal is with the fan, right? We have a rule in the Shelton house. Well, I have a rule. And it needs to be followed. I posted about it here a while back. Anytime after going # 2 you must, I repeat, must always remember to flush (kids forget sometimes, and with pee, no big deal but with #2, there are no exceptions), wash the hands, and always, always remember to turn on the fan and close the door. Why? Well, because I have a weak stomach, and cannot stand walking into the bathroom and getting hit with a foul smell without being forewarned. It is just gross. Turning on the fan eliminates the smell quite quickly, and also gives me a heads up that someone indeed did go #2 should I make my way to the bathroom . This is a good thing.

Anyway, this rule has been drilled into the kids and the Mr's heads over and over again, and they are always very good about it. But this time my rule backfired on me, as Lucas did do what he was supposed to before we left that fateful Friday afternoon. He did his business, flushed, washed his hands, turned on the fan and closed the door. Problem was that he did not know that leaving that fan running for three days straight would most likely do some damage.

And some damage it sure did.

When I went to the bathroom this morning, flushed, washed my hands, and then went to turn on the fan, it did not work. That is right folks, the fan did not work.

This is a very, very bad thing.

I need my fan.

Simply cannot live without it.

And let's just say projects such as fixing broken bathroom fans are not high on the list of to do's for the Mr. he can't get to mowing the lawn for God sakes. But this, this will be fixed, and soon. If not by the Mr. then by a fix it guy I look up in the local Yellow Pages.

Yes, I am that serious about my bathroom fan.

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