Saturday, October 10, 2009


So as not to forget a single item that mean old Mom and Dad did not purchase for them, that they have been pining for over the past year.

Lists? What lists?

Their Santa lists.

Yes, Ava and Lucas decided yesterday that they needed to get going on making their lists for Santa. 'Cause, you know, it is only a mere 3 months away. I figured, why not? Let them have at it.

They made their way to the kitchen table, pen and paper in hand to start on their lists. They sat there nicely at the kitchen table, talking amongst eachother and coming up with things that they each wanted: "Oh, yes, that is right Ava, I did want that snowboard. Mooooooommmm!! How do you spell snowboard?" "Hey Lucas, I know, I want Ivy, Julie's Best Friend!! I totally forgot about that." "Oh Ava, and what about a fish, we both want a fish - maybe we could ask for 2. Moooommmm - how do you spell fish?" "Oh, oh, oh - I want a guinea pig! And let's write down a bulldog too, Daddy want's a bulldog."

It went on like this for some time, maybe an hour or so, and then they finally presented me with their lists that needed to be sent off to Santa.

[Miss Ava's list: Computer, Four Wheeler, Fish, Snowboard, Stuffed Animal Dog, Glow in the dark teeth (not sure where this came from), Whoopie cushion, Ivy - Julie's friend, Bulldog, Guinea pig.]

[Lucas' list: Snowboard, Nerf Gun, Four Wheeler, 2 fish, Glow in the dark teeth, Bulldog, Nerf Sword, Bow and Arrow.]

Yes, these were their lists. And I do have to say, there were some very odd, and very expensive items that they were requesting. But I said nothing - well, except for this: "Your lists look great! But just remember, Santa does not always bring you everything you ask for, and he never brings real, live animals." [I have a strict no animal policy in this house, I know, I am a mean, mean Mom, right?] All I got were some blank stares back in response to that question. I guess I did not have the heart to tell them the cold hard truth. That Christmas was not going to be like it has been. That we were not going to have as many presents under the tree, or goodies stuffed in the stockings as years past. Because well, Santa is just as much a part of this recession as your good old Mom and Dad.

Anyway, after I read them over, I was given some very specific directions. I was NOT to send those lists off in the mail - at least not yet. Why, you ask? Well, duh....They just could not think of everything they wanted right now, so they would be adding items to their lists at a later date. When they were officially finished, I would be given the O.K. to send them off to the North Pole.

Turns out my telling them that Santa won't be able to bring them everything on their lists did not sink in.

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