Monday, October 5, 2009


Turns out Liv has a bad case of cabin fever too. I found her sitting on the floor earlier, crying some pretty inconsolable sounding tears, with one of her sandals in her hand. She had been trying, unsuccessfully at that, to get her sandal on her foot with footy pajamas on to go outside.

I decided to put the sandal on her foot to see if that would stop the tears, and it did. Aparently she was so happy about having the sandal on her foot, that she forgot about wanting to go outside.

Pretty much all afternoon, she has been walking around the house with that one sandal on her foot, happy as could be. I attempted to remove the sandal at nap time and let's just say she was NOT happy about it. So, I left the sandal on, put her down for a nap, and when she woke up that sandal was still on her pajama clad foot. Crazy. The things that make toddlers content.

She seemed to find even more happiness in rolling around on the carpet, sandal on foot, and sisters underwear in hand. Can't really see it in this picture?

Well looky here, still happy with her sandal on, and Ava's underpants in hand. She decided to get into my dryer full of clean clothes, taking a sock out here, a pair of underwear there, and dropping they randomly throughout the house when she was done.

So she likes the sandal on her foot [and getting into my clean laundry too], not sure why, but I am not going to question it. I was simply happy to see this had appeased her and that I did not find her standing at the front door, reaching longingly for the door knob to escape outside. She has been known to do this. And frankly, after being stuck in this Godforsaken house for 8 days with a Mom that is at her wits end and a bunch of sick brothers and sisters, I don't really blame her.

Anyway, I usually toss all sandals at the end of summer, knowing that they will not fit next spring, not to mention they also have gotten their fair share of use out of them and cannot not be salvaged even if they would fit. But it looks like I may just have to hang on to this sandal for Liv, as it seems to make her happy. [Notice I am using the singular, not plural form of sandals? Can't seem to find the other one, but I am thinking one will do just fine.]


This could be a long, very long, winter.....

And now I am off for my week break. And this time I mean it, I think.


Pajama Mama said...

Maria, Liv is so stinkin' cute I can't stand it!!

Enjoy your break and get some much needed rest. We don't need you ending up with pnuemonia!

See you in a week!!

Anonymous said...

Liv has a cousin Lucia who is in love with a pair of shiny, red shoes. Now she doesn't want to wear anything else. As you said, girls like their shoes, and it starts early.