Thursday, October 22, 2009


We seem to be having some problems deciding whether or not Liv still needs two naps a day. I know from experience that little ones usually go down to one nap a day when they get to be about 15/18 months old, but I am just not sure if Liv is ready for one nap.

This certainly does not bother me one little bit as it gives me two extended periods of time during the day to myself while the other kids are at school. And I deem this to be a very good thing - So let's just say you won't see me pushing her to stay up in the morning and only take that afternoon nap, no you won't.

Well, the other day after getting the kids on the bus and Anthony off to preschool, I decided to run a few errands with Liv. It turned out our errands took a little bit longer than expected, so I did not get her down for a nap until 11:30 that day. By the time she woke up, played for a while and ate, it was just too late to try and get a second nap in for the day. She seemed happy enough, no melt downs, tantrums, or crying out of sheer exhaustion. Maybe she was ready to go down to one nap a day. Maybe?

I was debating this fact as I was getting dinner on the table, wondering if it was time, time to get rid of the ever coveted morning nap, when I saw this.

While I was busying myself with getting everyone at the dinner table and fed, Liv decided she just could not keep her eyes open any longer and fell asleep. Right there on the kitchen floor in front of the stove. At 6pm.

Turns out she still does need two naps a day. At least for now, and this makes me one happy Momma.

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