Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today was a much anticipated day by both Ava and Lucas. It was the day that my Ava started 1st grade, and Lucas started Kindergarten. They spent last night carefully picking out their outfits, laying them out so they were ready for the morning, getting their backpacks all set, and memorizing their hot lunch codes. This morning I woke them both up bright and early, fed them breakfast and got them dressed. They anxiously waited for the 7:30 to arrive so that they were able to walk out to the bus stop. We ended up going out a bit early as they simply could not wait any longer.

Here is Lucas, waiting by the bus stop, looking a bit unsure of all of this and finding it hard to smile with the swollen lip. Let me explain the lip: he had a bit of an accident on his bike yesterday at Auntie Anna's house. Decided to go a bit too fast on his cousins bike, flipped over the handle bars and landed on his face. Ouch. I, being the Mom, was worried about him having to go to his very first day of school with such a horrible "owey". But I was assured by a few different people, that it was "cool", a battle wound of sorts that he could show off to the other boys in class.

Ava and Lucas with their brand new backpacks, hanging out with the other kids at the bus stop,

And the bus has arrived!

One last look at my two kiddos before the bus swept them away for their first day at school. Surprisingly, I did not cry at all!

And here they are, running toward the house, looking happy as ever coming home from school this afternoon.

Ava was just beaming as she came up the drive way, and did not waste a moment telling me all about her first day as a first grader. Lucas could barely get a word in as to how his day was, she was so excited! When things settled with her, I asked Lucas about his day. He seemed to really like school, his teacher, and the kids in his class. Although he mentioned he did not play with anyone at recess or talk to anyone. When I asked him why, he said quietly, that he did not really know anyone. I smiled and told him that he will get to know all the kids and make friends with many of them soon enough.
So it turned out to be quite a successful first day of school for both Ava and Lucas. And this makes me happy.


Kari said...

LOVE the pictures. Sounds like a great first day!!! Two in school now...wow!

Dinesh chandra said...



Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures and story...you really captured the excitement of the first day of school.