Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Yesterday we bought Anthony a brand spankin' new "big boy" bike. I was very happy with this find as it was a mere $35.00 at Wal-Mart - as much as I loathe going to that store, they do have some great deals.

Anyway, I decided to show it to him after I picked him up from Grandma and Papa's last night, which was a mistake. You think I would learn one of these times, that showing a child something new and exciting right before they are to get to bed is NOT a bright idea. After he laid his eyes on that bicycle there was no turning back from the inevitable. It's maiden voyage out in the Cul-de-sac. I decided to let him go for it, as how could I possibly say no now after showing him the bike and getting him all excited.

He got on his little bike and took a short cruise around the garage, decided against going down into the cul-de-sac for a more scenic ride, parked it and said he wanted to ride more in the morning. Perfect. No fighting him, hands gripped to the handle bars, yelling and screaming to get off the bike and in the house. (This has happened with previously with the other kids).

So this morning he woke up, and naturally wanted to go right outside, pajamas on, bowl of cereal in hand. Yep, that's right. He wanted to quick eat his breakfast in the garage, then ride his new bike in his pajamas, with his brothers flip flops.

I told him it would be better to quickly eat in the house, get dressed, put on tennis shoes and then go out and ride bikes. Amazingly, he agreed to this plan.

After accomplishing all tasks mentioned above (except for removal of flip flops, he just had to wear them), we headed outside. He first got on the bike in the garage, pedaled a few times, and almost as if in slow motion, began making his way down the drive way. Not good. Our driveway is a little bit steep in nature [see picture below], and is not conducive to a first time bike rider attempting to bike down it. He started picking up speed, and I started to worry and wait, wait for the crash at the end of the driveway that would result in skinned up knees, face, tears, hugs, band-aids, etc. But, he managed last minute to turn the handle bars and crash into the grass.

Whew, what a close call that was.

After this ordeal, all was well and we got to practicing where we should have been practicing in the first place. The Cul-de-sac.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big boy you are Anthony! Such enthusiasm....and good story,Mom!