Friday, May 8, 2009


As of late, Miss Ava has been asking, actually begging, for certain items that no 6 year old has any business asking for. I say she has no business asking for such things as most of these items on her list of things-I-will-fall-to-pieces-over-if-I-do-not-get are things she would not even know what to do with.

What are these items you ask?

A T.V. in her room, a lap top, a cell phone, an Ipod, and last but certainly not least,

This one is really unbelieveable....

A credit card. Yes, she asked me for a credit card. My 6 year old asked me for a credit card.

The T.V. in the room I get. She is 6 and wants to watch such things as I-Carly and Drake and Josh, while her brothers are wanting to watch Sponge Bob and Backyardigans. She want's a place where she can go and watch what she wants, when she wants. As of right now,that place is my bedroom, which I am not all that thrilled about. So she may just get he way with the T.V. in the bedroom. I am going to speak to Mr. Shelton about this request and see if I just can't get it approved.

The Laptop is just ridiculous. The only reason I can fathom as to why she would want one is that she sees me working on one a lot, and wants to be just like me. [ Mr. Shelton likes to call it messing around on Facebook and this blog of mine.] What would a 6 year old do with a laptop? She does not quite have the reading and writing thing down, so doing anything on a laptop may prove to be quite difficult.

So we have gone back and forth and back and forth on the Laptop and T.V. in the bedroom issues. Most often these conversations go something like this.

Ava walks in the door from Kindergarten and sits down at the table for her afternoon snack.

Ava: "Mom, I want a laptop just likes your's."

Mom: "We will have to see honey, maybe when you are a little older."

Ava: "Awwwww."

The conversation ends there. This request, as I mentioned above is just ridiculous.

Ava: " Mom, I want a T.V. in my room."

Mom: " We will have to talk to Dad about that and see. T.V's are expensive and you have to be very responsible to have one that is all your own. You have to make sure to turn it off when you are done watching, and put the remote up high where your brothers and sister cannot get it and break it. Do you think you can handle that responsibility?"

Ava: "Yes Mom, I can. Please ask Daddy."

Of which I do. Every time this conversation comes up I ask Mr. Shelton. We talk, weigh the positives and negatives, and always come to the same conclusion. That it could be a good idea to get her one, but for some reason, we never actually go purchase the T.V.

The last three items on her wish list happened to come up while we were driving in the car a few weeks ago.

Ava: "Hey Mom, can I get an Ipod?"

Mom: "How do you know what an Ipod is?"

Ava: "Because. Emily at school has one. It plays music."

Mom: " I think you have to be a little bit older to have one of those."

Ava: "How old?"

Mom: "12."

Ava: "Awwwww." Then I want a cell phone."

Mom: "Ava, you are way to young to have a cell phone." [oops. that tends to be the wrong thing to say to her, as every time I do she seems to break out in tears and drama ensues.]

Ava: [tears and all] "I am NOT too little Mom! Emily has a cell phone and she brings it to school."

Mom: "Honey, it is probably not one that works, her Mom probably got a new one and gave her her old one to play with."


No sense in arguing here, she is not understanding. She cries for a few minutes, then on to the next "want".

Ava: " Alright then, I want a credit card."

Maria: "Do you know what you do with a credit card."

Ava: You pay for things with it. Emily has one Mom!" [Boy Emily sure does have everything, doesn't she?] "she brought it to school and showed me!"

Mom: "Ava honey, it is probably an old credit card her Mom and Dad don't use anymore and they let her play with it."


Again, conversation ended there, for reasons you can probably figure out for yourself.

We drove the rest of the way to our destination in silence, except for the occasional sniffle coming from the back seat. When I took a gander in my rear view mirror I saw a very sad, pouty little face staring back at me.

Mom: " Oh Ava, one day you may have those things honey, just not right now."

Ava: "I never get anything. Hmph."

Boy do I ever love that little girl, and I have to admit, she reminds me a lot of myself. But if this is what I am dealing with when she is 6, I cannot imagine what the teenage years are going to bring.

My Mom always said she wished I would grow up to have a daughter just like me. Turns out her wish came true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie if you come to my house after school maybe we can play some "grown up games" and if you are a good girl and don't tell I will get you a credit card