Sunday, May 17, 2009


This weekend was cold. Cold, a little rainy, and VERY windy. BRRRR....

And I know first hand how very cold, rainy and windy it was, as we were camping in it. Alright, we had our motor home to shelter us from the inclement weather, but we really did spend most of the time outside, dealing with it. After all, we were camping and it did not seem right to hole ourselves up in the camper and watch movies, right?

Aside from the weather issues, we really did have a fabulous time....

Riding in the motor home to our camping destination.... The kids were very happy - they were actually hugging eachother in all their excitement!
Warming up by the fire, which was not much of a fire due to the incredibly strong winds on Saturday.

Flying kites....

Taking fun pictures... (see Anthony peeking through between Lucas and I?)

Eating hamburger buns - Livi seemed to be especially fond of these.

Having a few beers - Livi was apparently in need of a beverage to wash down that hamburger bun with as she seemed pretty interested in that Bud Light Daddy had.

Being SiLlY....

Finding sticks which were used as make shift light sabers....

Playing in the woods, along with all the ticks (none were found inhabiting their little bodies which is always nice).

Putting the kids to bed and having some adult time, hanging out around the campfire, having some cocktails.

Spending time with Mr. Shelton, who still managed to have a great time even though his allergies were crazy bad. (What a trooper.)

Way too kick of our first camping trip of the year - great times were had by all.

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