Wednesday, May 20, 2009


To my Lucas,

Today you turn 5 - WOW, Momma can hardly believe it, it has truly gone by so very fast! I wanted to write you a note today to say happy birthday, to let you how very much I love you, and tell you all about who you have become, and how you have grown over the past year.

From the moment you were born, I could tell that you were going to be a sweet, calm, anything goes type of boy, and I was right! After we got you home from the hospital, you slept like a champ, ate, napped, and did everything else a baby does with ease.

As you grew, I began to see what a happy, carefree little personality you had. I could set you down on the carpet in front of a pile of toys and you would happily play for long periods of time, I could change your poopy diaper and you would smile back at me as if nothing was bothering you, we could be on a long car ride stuck in your car seat and you would be content.

You were always so happy to just be,
and Momma always loved this about you, and still loves this about you to this day as you have not changed a bit.

What I love most, is now that you are older, you are able to share this joy for life and joy for just being, with others around you. Not only are you able to share this with others, you have grown in so many ways, and added even more wonderful attributes to your personality that you are able to share.

You share so very well. I see it all the time, when you play with your friends and they want the lightsaber you are playing with you say "sure" and hand it to them with a smile. When you are eating a treat and your brother asks for a bite you give him one without a second thought. When your sister wants to try and ride your new bike that Santa got you, the one that is so special and new, you say sure Ava, you can ride it whenever you want.

You always include others. When new neighbors moved in across the cul-de-sac they would watch you and the other neighbor kids play longingly as if they wanted to join, but were too timid to ask. You ran over and asked them to play, and made them feel welcome.

You are so helpful and loving toward others: When Anthony or Ava get hurt playing outside, you always run to their aid, helping them and asking if they would like a band aid. I once caught you rubbing Anthony's back so very sweetly while he was sitting in the middle of the cul-de-sac weeping after falling off his scooter. I can't even name all the times you have walked up to me out of the blue, given me a big ol' hug, and said, I love you Momma." and walked away. So simple, yet so very sweet.

All of these things encompass the fact that you are so very sensitive to other peoples feelings. And to see this in you when you are only 5 years old is amazing - you are such a special little boy.

I see you being sensitive, I see you sharing, I see you including others, I see you helping, and loving those around you. I see these things all the time, I see them and it makes me so very proud. So very proud of who you have become over the past 5 years, but most of all so very proud to be your Momma.

Happy, happy birthday my Lucas Alexander. I love you to the Moon. And the stars. And the sun.

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