Sunday, June 28, 2009


Look who has finally learned how to pump his legs, and swing without the help of yours truly?

Yes, it is true, at 5 years and a few months old, Lucas has mastered this skill. And am I ever happy.

Why so happy you ask?

Let me explain. I believe every Mom has a "thing", something they just loathe doing with or for their kids. (I know, most Mom's don't want to admit it, cause it sounds bad, but I am right.) My thing has and always will be pushing my kids on the swing. Don't know why, just have never liked. Having to stand behind them for what seemed like hours and push, and push, and push until their need to swing was satiated. Yes, never liked it, never will.

So when Lucas yelled the other day, "Look Mom, look!" and I turned to find him swinging all by himself, I was overjoyed. Yes, overjoyed that he was so proud of himself for learning, and with the fact that I had one less child that needed to be pushed on the swing.

2 down, 2 more to go.

1 comment:

KB said...

The only time I don't mind it is when there is someone to chat with while I push- otherwise, bleh!