Monday, June 8, 2009


We spent the weekend camping. Camping in the rain - pouring rain that is.

We woke up early Saturday morning to the pitter pattering sounds of the rain drops hitting the top of the motor home. I was hopeful that by the time we got up, made breakfast and dressed ourselves it would have subsided.

Not the case.

It rained right through breakfast, right through showers, dressing, a movie, an hour or so playing PSP's, and through lunch.

Then it stopped. It really stopped. I quickly gathered up the kids, got outside, strapped Liv in her stroller, and we all made the journey up to the general store, where they had a small Arcade and some treats to buy. It wasn't much, but it was going to get us the heck out of the camper for awhile, and I was desperate for that.

Not two minutes into our walk to our much anticipated destination, it began pouring out. Again.

We hustled our buns to the general store, meandered around the arcade for a few minutes, went into the store, bought some treats, then ran back to our campsite.

We arrived at the door of the motor home, wet, with mud splashed up the backs of everyone's pants and shirts from the running we did on the muck filled gravel roads. We got in the camper, cleaned up, and hunkered down for what was to be a long afternoon pent up in the motor home.

I resisted the urge to tell Mr. Shelton to pack it all up and head back home. As much as this weather was to my dismay, we were together. Having family time, not being interrupted by constant cell phone ringing, calls that needed to be made, and emails that needed to be returned.

I would take being pent up in a motor home on a rainy miserable day, with 4 kids under the age of 6, my husband and I, and nothing to really do any day over being at home, where Mr. Shelton would most definitely have work on the mind.

Yes, I would take this any day, and take it I did.

So we spent the day doing pretty much nothing, just being together, playing, taking naps,

We made the most out of this rain filled camping trip, and I believe it turned out to be a memorable one.

1 comment:

Brian Shelton said...

Sometimes the rainy weekends make us understand why we have the motorhome. Rain or shine, we are camping together. :)

Your husband...Brian