Thursday, June 25, 2009


Once again, my Ava surprised me with a question this morning as I was getting ready for the day. Actually, I have to admit, the things that come out of her mouth are beginning to surprise me no longer. I have gone from being surprised, to simply being in awe that her little mind is able to think up these questions, and to know enough about certain topics in order to ask them.

The question?

"Hey Mom, when am I going to be old enough to have one of those things that goes over these?"

I turned to see what "these" were, and found both of her hands placed over her chest area. [This subject has been addressed on a few different occasions, yet she still seems very interested in re addressing it.]

"You will be able to have one of those when you are older."

"How old do I have to be?"

"You will be a teenager when you have one of those, so when you are 13, maybe 12. It depends."

"Depends on what?"

Good Lord, this girl is relentless with the questions.

"It depends on when your breasts begin to grow."

"But Lauren at school has one! She does Mom, she really does! It goes on her boobs and she wears it to school. She showed me and it has Camp Rock on it. Can I get one?"

I am assuming what Lauren from school had was a sports bra of sorts. Or at least this is what I got from this conversation.

"Sure, we can look for one the next time we go to Target."

So you see, Ava seems to be growing up too fast, asking questions about things that I am amazed she knows about. [refer to part 1 and two here, and here, of getting a bit too big for her britches for more of her questions that have been asked]. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

I wonder what it will be next?

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