Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So I had finally gotten the Mr. to agree to a pool, but the agreement was the only thing that had happened thus far. I needed to have the pool in my posession before I knew it was for real. But there was a problem with this. Mr. Shelton was leaving town in the morning for a whole week. A whole week spent in a car driving to Florida to deliver a boat. A whole week to sit and think about his decision to finally cave and say yes to a pool. A whole week to possibly change his mind. I decided I needed that pool before he got home from this trip of his so that the changing of the mind I talk of would not be able to happen.

So I began to think of how I could make this happen. Could I pick it up myself? No, I could not manage to get a box filled with a pool, filter, and other things that weighed 130 lbs into the SUV with 4 kids in tow. Nope, not going to happen.

Hmmm, what's a girl to do? Talk to the Father-in-Law. Yes, that was it. He would surely help me in obtaining this much sought after pool o' mine. I sat and typed an ever so friendly email to his lovely, wife, the Mother-in-Law, and asked ever so nicely if her husband would pick it up and deliver it to my door step. To which I received a prompt response, stating that he would indeed do this for me. What a guy.
That morning was spent in doors, kids bouncing off of walls, couches and everything else as it was raining out and they were unable to take their spirited little selves outdoors to burn off that energy. I had not thought much about the pool, assuming he would get to picking it up sometime in the next day or two. But, the rain finally stopped, and the kids happily got their shoes on, opened the garage door to run outside and found.... Our pool. Yes, this wonderful man that I mentioned above had come through, and delivered our pool to our doorstep, and very quickly at that.

You would like to see this pool I talk so highly of, wouldn't you? Well, here it is. No, this is not me, my family and friends - although I am hoping for us to look this happy and have this much fun while splashing around in it.

Nice, right?

So all was well in the world. Mr. Shelton had agreed to a pool, and I had said pool in my possession.

To be continued....

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