Monday, August 31, 2009


The kids kept themselves busy this morning, sifting through their sticky, colorful letters in order to create a name tag of sorts for everyone's chair at the kitchen table.

Surprisingly, they did not give up half way through the project when they found they had run out of A's and V's. They simply used different letters, turned them upside down, or cut them to create the letter they were missing. Very smart children I have if I do say so myself.

After about 30 minutes of organizing, searching, cutting, and strategic placement - here are the fruits of their labor.

When I asked why they had thought to put everyone's names on their resective chairs, I was given this answer: "Well, so that everyone knows where they are supposed to sit."

You know, in case after 6 years of sitting in the same chairs there comes a point where anyone forgets where to plant their little bottom at dinner time. Just in case.

But it was a cute little project they came up with. A cute project that kept their little minds busy for 30 minutes, and off of any thoughts of beating on each other, calling each other names, fighting,yelling or any other sort of torture brothers and sisters love to inflict on one another. For this reason, it was in my opinion, one of their best little projects they have come up with to date. Yes, indeed it was.

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