Friday, March 27, 2009


Today I had the pleasure of taking care of my lovely, sweet little niece Lucia. Her Dad had a meeting over by our house, so he asked to drop her off over here for a few hours while he went. I of course jumped at the chance to watch her as I don't get to spend that much time with the little cutie. So as you can imagine, I was very excited for her arrival this morning - although my excitement dimmed in comparison to Ms. Olivia Grace. She was simply thrilled that her cousin, her BFF, was coming for a visit - she could barely contain herself. [For those of you living under a rock and do not know, BFF stands for Best Friend Forever.]

After Lucia arrived and was fed lunch, I put the two BFF's in the playrooom to get some much needed playtime. They were simply tickled pink to be spending such an unexpected afternoon together playing...

Holding hands a bit, and sharing toys so nicely....

At one point Livi tried to sneak away for some alone time, but Lucia was not liking that idea, and held her back by grabbing her diaper.

Liv decided to forgo the alone time and play some more, after all, how much time does she really get to spend with Lucia?

The day came to end way too soon when Joel arrived back at our house to pick Lucia up.

Olivia and I had a nice chat after they left. We decided that we do not like the fact that Aunt Cindy, Uncle Joel and cousin Lucia live so far from us. The solution to this? They need to move closer to us. Yep, that is what is going to have to happen - for 2 reasons.

1 - we just plain old do not see them enough and we miss them - all three of them, not just Lucia. :)
2 - and most importantly, Olivia is missing, and wants to spend more time with her BFF. She informed me that this once a week stuff at Grandma and Papa's is just not cutting it.

Seems that Ms. Lucia agrees...

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