Thursday, March 12, 2009

Funny How Things Change

I was dropping Lucas off at preschool this morning as I do three times each week, nothing new there. But this particular morning I happened to pass by one of his teachers who mentioned how much she loved my pajama pants. These are one of my personal favorite pairs of pajama pants, so her observation came as no surprise to me as they are quite lovely. And yes, you heard right, I wore pajama pants when dropping my son off at school. Here are they are....

They are comfy and are littered with cute little snowflakes. Lovely, right? Oh, and I cannot forget to mention my beloved slippers, I don't walk around the house without them. Dearfoams. Fabulous.

Anyway, now that I have showed you my beloved pajama pants, back to the story.

I tend to not have time in the morning for such things as a shower, getting dressed in "daytime" clothing, doing the hair and make-up, you know the things most people do in the morning before venturing out into public. Not only do I not have time to do these things before bringing Lucas to preschool at 9am each morning, but I also do not really care to.

Is that a gasp I hear?

Yes, it is true folks, I don't really care to race around trying to get myself put together in order to walk into preschool looking presentable to all those other Mom's. I simply throw on a baseball hat, jacket, shoes (sometimes I have even gone in my slippers), and out the door I go. Here is a gander at what my appearance is each morning prior to making the drop off at preschool - sans my hat. I figured the least I could do is cover up my hideous rats nest when dropping him off, right?

As I write this post I have to laugh. Laugh because 6 years ago I would have never been caught dead going out in public looking like this. Oh the horror! Every morning I made sure I was showered, clothed, perfumed, contacts in, hair done perfectly, make -up applied, and heels on before even thinking about leaving the house. HAH! I am exhausted at the thought of even trying to accomplish all of that before leaving the house each morning.

Boy how having 4 kids, growing older, and wiser changes a person. I just don't care about looking perfect in order to drop Lucas off at preschool...

Let's just hope he doesn't care either. :)

Side Note: This post was inspired by a post that I came across on fellow blogger Megan's blog the other day. Go here to read it. It is worth your time, really great, believe me.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Great post, Maria. Couldn't agree more! Oh...and you look great:)
Have a good weekend. Hope to see you guys again soon.