Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So Much To Do So Little Time

So I have oodles of things to accomplish today, which really does not set this day apart from any other day of the week. But.... I have a yucky head cold. I am tired. I am lazy. And I just plain old don't feel like doing anything. {Sigh} But I am going to pull myself up by my boot straps (silly thing my mom used to say) and get to it. Actually, I have to give myself "props" (another nice one, right?) for accomplishing some of the things on my list thus far.

1.) Drink some coffee in order to wake self up (out of my fabulous new coffee cups - see below.)
Aren't they fabulous??? The coffee gets cold quickly as they are really wide and let the heat out quickly, but no biggie, I just toss the cup in the microwave and heat. They are asthetically pleasing, and in the case of coffee cups, I take that over functionality any day. Brian seems to disagree, but I pay him no mind. Hmph.

Hmmm.... I guess that is all I have accomplished thus far. Bummer. Well, here are the millions of other things that need to get done today.

2.) Take a shower. Yep, this is one of those things I don't find much time for anymore being a Mom of 4 little kids. I usually end up getting to this around mid afternoon, but hopefully this will happen sooner today as I am not feeling all that "fresh."

3.) Vaccuum, wash floors, clean bathrooms. YUCK. POOH. SUCKY. BLAH. So now you know how I feel about cleaning house. I was spoiled and had a cleaning lady for about a year, had to give her up because of this yucky economy. No money = no cleaning lady.

4.) Put away laundry, 3 baskets full of it. Oh the laundry in this house - It is simply Out. Of. Control.

5.) Figure out how I am going to go to a pool party with Ava on Saturday with Lucas, Anthony and Olivia in tow. Daddy has a meeting and won't be around to help. A pool, 4 kids, and one adult simply do not mix.

6.) Go over our monthly budget and look for things we are able to cut out. Again. I am thinking a certain someones Monday "poker nights" need to get the nix. Ahem.

7.) Adjust Olivia's crib so she can no longer stand up and have the ability to fall out headfirst. How did she get so big so fast??? Darn. This is such a pain in the butt, pulling the crib out from the wall, taking off all the bumpers, taking the mattress out of the crib, unscrewing all of the thing-a-ma-bobs, pushing the thingy down, rescrewing all the thing-a-ma-bobs in, putting the mattress back in, putting the bumpers back on, and pushing the crib back against the wall. WHEW - that was one heck of a run on sentence.

8.) Feed Anakin Kenobi Starwars (our hermit crab).

9.) Finish putting together a gift basket for Grandpa's birthday. Simply have to finish this and get over to visit him in the nursing home. I have been getting a heavy dose of guilt poured on me by my lovely family members (you know who you are) that I still have not been over to see him. And I understand I should have gone by now, I love my grandpa immensely, and want nothing more to go and spend a nice afternoon with him but finding the time to do so is not that simple. 4 kids age 6 and under, a husband who works crazy hours 6 days sometimes 7 days a week makes it hard for me to accomplish tasks that for most people are done quite easily. Not sure they will ever understand. [sigh]

10.) Come up with something to feed the kids for lunch other than chicken tenders or frozen pizza.

11.) Get kids loaded up in car, wait for Ava to get off of the bus at 2:45, rush to Lucas' preschool in order to pick him up by 3pm.

12.) Get everyone home, snack in hands and settled in front of the good old T.V. so that Mom can have a half hour to myself.

13.) Drink a Diet Coke in order to stay alert for the next 5 hours until the ever so coveted bedtime.

14.) Wait in hopes that Daddy will get home by 4:30pm. Why, you ask? so that we can pack all the kids in the car, drive out to the Mall of America, and pick out two more hermit crabs to join Anakin Kenobi Starwars in his homey little cage. The kids have convinced me that he is quite lonely and needs a few companions.

15.) Hopefully eat dinner at Hooters so that I do not have to come home and cook dinner. This is our all time favorite restaurant at the MOA. The kids beg to eat here everytime we go to the Mall - "please Mom and Dad, can we PLEASE eat at Hooters??" They really to beg - something to be proud of, our kids pleading with us to eat at Hooters, right?

16.) Drive home, praying that the kids will fall asleep en route so I don't have to deal with bed time. Sometimes it is soooo nice to just scoop them out of the car and put them into their beds. No fights, no teeth brushing (they can miss one night, it won't kill them), no "I need water", "I am cold." "I need another blanket." "I am too hot." "read me a book." " I can't sleep". You get the idea.

17.) Get kids into said beds.

18.) Put on pajamas, pour a glass of wine, lay on couch with remote in hand and watch one of my Tivo'ed shows.

19.) Go to bed nice and early in order to gear up to do most of these things all over again tomorrow.

20.) Oh, and maybe fit in some "quality time" with Mr. Shelton. It has been a while. I know, too much information, right?

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