Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today I Had A Moment

Often times I feel like I get caught up in the chaos of having 4 small children. Running here, running there, getting the laundry done, cleaning house, making sure everyone is bathed, fed, happy, healthy... the list goes on, and on, and on. Some days I just want to scream in frustration - wondering when things will slow down, when things will get easier. But then I hear stories, speak to other women who yearn for children and the chaos that seems to come with them, and are sadly unable to have babies. This is when I realize I too often forget to stop and be thankful for these four little beings that make my life so darn hectic.

I am truly blessed not only to have these 4 kids of mine, but to also have had the joy of (1)getting pregnant, (2) carrying each one in my belly for nine months, and (3) giving birth to them all.

1.) The getting pregnant part was very easy. Very. All four times. In fact, family and friends have the tendency to call me "fertile myrtle".
Side note: Where on earth did this stupid saying come from??? Obviously there must have been a woman named Myrtle who was very fertile, and someone found it quite funny that fertile and myrtle rhymed, and decided to call her that. And from then on women even without the name Myrtle, who found themselves to be quite fertile, where given this name. Interesting, right?
Back on track here... I have also been told things such as "Geeze, you and Brian would get yourselves pregnant by simply holding hands!" Another weird one, but I have heard it. So you get the idea, Brian and I are quite good at (ahem) making babies.

2.) The carrying said babies in my belly for 9 months was great. Actually, I would say beyond great. I LOVED every minute of every pregnancy (minus the three straight months of continuous vomiting I endured being pregnant with Ava.) The anticipation of waiting to see the first signs of a "baby bump", to the ever coveted feeling of those first kicks, to the gynormous belly stage where you can lay in bed and watch your belly jut out in the shape of a mini elbow, or knee due to baby needing to stretch. All of it - AMAZING.

3.) Giving birth to all my four babies was nothing short of miraculous. Don't get me wrong, there was a grand amount of pain that was felt before my ever loved anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural, but it was all well worth it.
Side note: I really mean he was loved. All four times. I recall when he came in to give me my epidural when I was in the throws of labor with Anthony. I took one look at him and said "I love you." Really, I did. He just smiled and said he hears that a lot.
When I held each of my four babies in my arms there was an indescribable feeling of love that came over me. The man who I love more than anything else in this world, and I created these little beings. They were each a part of him and a part of me - beautiful, amazing,miraculous. Really, there is nothing better in this world.

My mom always told me that I would never understand how much she loved me until I had babies of my own. Boy was she right. I would do anything for my children. Anything.

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