Friday, March 6, 2009

The Shelton Family Mantra

Anyone other Mom's out there on occasion turn on the good old "boob tube" (still don't know why anyone would ever call it this) to keep your kiddos occupied for a bit while you have some "me time"? Well, I do. Admittedly, I do it a lot, and our channel of choice is Noggin. This is a great channel as you can find a mirad of fun cartoons that manage to keep the kids faces glued to the T.V. for a good hour. So if you have not had the pleasure of viewing this channel, and are like me, and enjoy a bit of down time, take a gander...
Anyway, another perk to this channel is that they have great music videos that come on between cartoons for your viewing/listening pleasure. I am pleasently surprised that I have yet to find one song that is off the wall irritating, which frequently seems to be the case when listening to kids music. I actually find most of the music get-up-and-dance-and-sing-along kind of music. For real. To see a variety of said songs, go to You will find songs by good old Laurie Berkner (one of my personal favorites), Guy Davis, and David Weinstone.
Let us take a moment and chat about David Weinstone. I did not enjoy much of his music at first as I was so very enamored with Laurie Berkner and her diddies - that is UNTIL I heard his song "Grumpy." I love it. It sums up how I feel about crabby little beings perfectly.
Go here and take a listen.
Good, right?
This is why I have adopted this song as the Shelton Family Mantra.
Everytime I see a cranky face, hear a growl come out of the mouths of Lucas or Anthony, see Ava stomp her foot and start breathing heavily (which signals the beginning of a tantrum of grand proportions), I start to sing this song. Yep, I do.
Call me crazy, but it actually works in turning their attitude around. Most of the time.
And for those times it does not work, there is always the time out chair.

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