Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Anthony's Singing Debut

Anthony loves the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. If he had it his way this would be the only song that he would prefer to hear, and sing. Ever. I tend to sing as I am going about my business during the day, not sure why, I guess it sort of brightens up my day a bit, and makes the task at hand, whether it be cleaning toilets, doing dishes, folding laundry, etc. a bit more cheery. Anyway, I usually shuffle between The Wheels on the Bus, All Around the Mulberry Bush, Twinkle Star, and Livi Grace is Special (written by yours truly.) Anthony loves listening to me sing my song to Livi Grace which goes like this.... (It takes after a certain Barney song most of us moms know).

Livi Grace is special she's the only one, she's the only one like her, there isn't another in the whole wide world that can do what Livi does. Livi Grace is special, special, Livi Grace is special, Livi Grace in her, her, her own way!

I would have posted a video of little old me singing this, as I am sure that you are dying to know how it sounds being sung, but I thought I would spare you as my singing ablity is not one of my strong suits.

Anyway, like I said, Anthony loves hearing me sing this song to Livi, and he even enjoys singing along with me. BUT, if I try and switch it up a bit and insert his name in the song instead of Livi's, he throws a fit and says something like this every time. "NO Mommy! Dat is not my song, dat is Livi Grace's song. Sing me Twinkle Staw!" For some reason he has gotten it in his head that Twinkle Star is his song, which is fine, whatever makes him happy, right?

Well, we sing this song quite a bit as we go through our day, and over the past few months he has learned to memorize it. Of course he does not have the words quite right, but what 2 year old would? I figured I would video tape him singing his all time favorite song for all to enjoy....

NOTE TO READERS: I know, I know, the video is sideways. It took me oodles and oodles of time to try and figure out how to get the darn video off of my phone, onto my computer and playing. Trying is the operative word here folks, I was actually not successful in figuring it out, Brian was. I ended up having to forward the file to his computer, where he had to convert the file to something that was able to be played on my computer so that I could in turn post it here. Whew.... So I finally got it from him this morning only to open it and find that it plays in this wonderful sideways position, and I can't figure out how the heck to get it right side up. I just don't care, I am over trying to get it right, so just tilt your head to the side a bit and enjoy.....

I do have to say, from the shy beginning, to the quite violent swaying from side to side (while eating Skittles), it was a successful performance.

And to top it off, he gave a wave and blew a kiss to end it all - he's a natural.

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