Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Tiny Dancer

Ava says that she does not like going to dance class. Every Monday we go through the same routine: At about 4pm it starts..

Mom: " Ava, you need to get upstairs and get your tight and leotard on."

Ava: "Awww... Why?"

Mom: "Because you have dance class tonight."

Ava: "But I don't want to go to dance class, I don't like it!"

Mom: "Too bad, go get dressed."

Ava: Long dramatic - very dramatic sigh. (as she stomps extra loudly up the stairs to her room to get changed.)

Forever my little drama queen....

All these dramatics are for nothing, as once we get there, get her ballet shoes on, and get her onto that dance floor she is in heaven. All smiles most of the time, but on occasion you will find her in a state of deep concentration,watching the teacher and trying her hardest to get the dance moves just right. Really, so very sweet to watch.

Anyway, we have some very exciting news - her class is in the process of getting ready for their dance recital in June which she is VERY excited about. Here she is practicing...

I am already on pins and needles waiting for her much anticipated dancing debut. It is going to be great. All 2 1/2 hours of it. :)

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