Monday, February 9, 2009

We like carbs...

A lot. Especially Anthony. So much to the point that I can't seem to get the child to eat anything but bread, bagels, plain old slices of bread, pizza with all the toppings and sauce taken off, not the most appetizing things, but some of his favorites none the less. He really loves this stuff --- Actually, if you take a close look at the picture above, you will notice that he is kissing his bagel, yes folks, you heard me right, he is kissing it. I was sitting on the couch with him while he was eating it and noticed he was giving it a kiss in between bites. Goodness, have you ever seen an almost 3 year old love a bagel, or any type of food that much? More about the bagel in a minute...

Today he would not eat the breakfast I made him, and I guess I don't blame him as it was nothing special. Just some cheerios in a bowl sans the milk - very boring, but I have not been to the grocery store in a week and supplies are beginning to dwindle. He decided at lunch time not to eat what I put in front of him either - chicken tenders and carrots. I figured I needed to get him to eat something today, so about mid-afternoon I asked him if he would like a bagel. His eyes lit up as if I were asking him if he wanted a bowl of ice cream with a cherry on top.
Glad to see that a plain old whole wheat bagel can enduce such enthusiasm from my three year old.
He happily took the bagel from my hand and said "thanks for the doughnut!"
It seems that for some reason he thinks a bagel is actually a doughnut, which explains his excitement. I guess it sort of looks like a doughnut, but it sure as heck does not taste like a doughnut. But who am I to question it - he is eating a healthy, whole wheat bagel.

And loving it. Enough said.

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