Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am Having a Problem...

just saying "no" to more babies. I love my kids, I have four rambunctious, kids ALL under the age of 6 that keep me on my toes. My hands are full running to school, dance classes, play dates, and the like. I am busy, busy, busy, so why can't I stop thinking about having more, just one more??

Maybe it's because my youngest, Olivia is already 7 months old and I am feeling like the "baby stage" is behind me for good. And it makes me sad.... I loved the baby stage with all four of my kids, the itty bitty fingers and toes, the sweet smell of their baby breath, the way their fuzzy head felt when you would lightly run your lips across it. I loved it, loved it, loved it.
The days when they cried too much, kept me up all night, pooped, peed and ate seemingly around the clock were all forgotten just by looking at their little baby faces. This was even the case with my Ava Marie who cried for the first three months of her life. No jokes here. She cried, and cried, and cried....
They were all so darn sweet when they were babies. Take a gander....
But I can't want another baby just because I am going to miss the "baby stage," right? Because as we all know, they do grow up....Which I am finding is a good thing. They help out with Olivia bunches, we go shopping together, have fun conversations, all kinds of stuff that babies can't do. I see them each morphing into their own little personalities -they are becoming good little kids, which in turn (I am hoping) will result in them becoming strong, well rounded, respectful adults.
Beyond all of this, I find such joy in the fact that I had a hand in all this. I conceived them all (well, Brian may have helped with that part), carried them in my belly for nine months, gave birth to them (which, may I say, was excruciating pain all four times), and have done a pretty darn good job raising them up to this point.
So far, so good.
So really....why not one more?
I think I am just going to call myself straight up NUTS for even thinking about it - I am content with my 4 babes, that is all I need. I feel "fulfilled".
I can just hear the sigh of relief coming from my mother-in-law after hearing this. I had you worried, didn't I ? :)
Many apologies for my self-indulgent ramblings, but I am able to do this here and there. Plus, it's a blog, isn't that was these things are for??

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