Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day.... Who Needs it?

So tomorrow is Valentine's Day, most people love this "holiday". But not Brian. Brian thinks it is a made up holiday and hates it. To be a bit more specific, he loathes it. He thinks it is a day that gives all the men in this world a reason to rush out and buy the standard roses, chocolates and teddy bears that if purchased any other day of the week, would be half the price. And the whole romantic dinner at a restaurant thing - don't even ask what he thinks about that.
The funny thing is, I actually sort of agree with him. Maybe that is because I think getting a box of chocolates or a stuffed animal from your siginificant other is sort of -- cheesy. Come on guys, I think you can do a bit better than the standard heart shaped chocolate box and Teddy Bear - oh , and let's not forget about the tried and true roses..... Roses. Blah. I don't really care for flowers (roses especially) as they are expensive and they just die. (They usually die a bit sooner in my care as I tend to forget to water them.) Occasionally it is nice to receive some pretty wildflowers or something, but roses? Please.

The whole holiday all seems a bit cliche to me - Brian would be so proud to hear me say this. Really, he would.
Anyway, he does not need this holiday we call Valentines Day that creeps up once every year, to be some big romantic blow out of a day. And I don't either. I much prefer his way of showing his undying love for me (which he does quite a bit, for no particular reason) whenever he feels the need. And let me say, I think the things he does are quite fabulous.
He occasionally has wild flowers (as I said earlier, Roses, blah) sent to the house for me, out of the blue, not for an anniversary, birthday or any other reason, just because. Romantic.
Whenever I go away for a weekend without him and the kids (which is rare, very rare) he writes me a little love note and sticks it in my suitcase for me to find when I get to my destination. Romantic.
He occasionally will send me a text message saying "I love you 'pooh' ( I know the nickname is silly, but it has special meaning for us) you are the best." Romantic.
Today he left for St. Louis to work a boat show. I had to run upstairs to grab the laundry from our bedroom and I noticed a piece of his notebook paper sitting on the bed. I grabbed it ready to toss it in the garbage, when I noticed it was a note. A love note, for me. (insert warm fuzzy feeling).

All of these things he does are simple. And unexpected. Which makes them that much more romantic to me.

And I love him for it. He is the best.

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