Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Anthony Thomas!

As I sit here writing this I am still in awe over the fact that today you are 3 years old! I feel like it was just yesterday that Daddy and I were in the hospital having you. Boy does the time fly.... I wanted to write you a note today to say Happy Birthday, to let you know how very much I love you, and to tell you all about who you have become, and how you have grown over the past year of your life.

You have always been quite attached to your momma. You enjoy following me around the house while I do my daily chores, doing the dishes, the laundry, vaccuming - it seems whatever it is I am doing you are right beside me, which is just fine. Sometimes, while you are watching cartoons I will try and sneak upstairs to put away the laundry - when I am about halfway up the stairs I hear the pitter patter of your little feet on the wood floor followed by you shouting, "Mommy,wait for me, wait for me!" I oblige, and wait until your little legs can catch up with me. Then and only then do I finish walking upstairs and putting away the laundry. With you by my side. There was even a point in time, right after I had Olivia, where you were so attached you would not let me take a shower without you. You would get in with me and sit right at my feet, happy as a clam. That phase has since passed, and now you like to simply lay right outside of the shower door and wait for me to take my shower.

There was a point in time I was getting really frustrated with the fact that you had to come everywhere with me and do everything with me. But that frustration soon passed after I spoke to a friend who gave me some wise advice. She told me to enjoy it now because before I know it you will grow up and not want to follow me around all the time, and that as surprising as it may seem, I will miss it. I am thinking she is very right about that. So I no longer find myself frustrated at your "attached at the hip" type attitude. I have decided to embrace it, and enjoy it while it lasts. My little Klingon.

Beyond your attachment to me, you are quite a little spit fire. You are not afraid to sass me, your Dad, or a complete stranger in the grocery store for that matter. This scares me a bit. You tend to get angry really quick when you don't get your way, which in turn usually lands you in a time out. But after your time out you are always so darn sweet. I make you apologize to whomever you "barked" at, and give said person a hug. Just last night we were playing Sorry as a family and you were angry that you did not get a card when you thought it was your turn. You yelled at me saying, "give me a card!" I told you it was not your turn, you said again, louder, "GIVE ME A CARD!!" followed by a loud scream, which in turn made Lucas start crying as it hurt his ears, which in turn landed you in a time out. I left you there for a moment, came back and asked you if you were ready to apologize. You said, "yes, sowwy Mommy, uppy please" (please pick me up). I picked you up, brought you over to Lucas to say sorry as well for screaming in his ear, you said in a very sincere, quiet voice "sowwy Lucas."

Some of the many things I love about you....

I love how you come up to me out of the blue and give me a butterfly kiss, or say I "wuv" you Mommy.

I love peeking in the playroom and watching your imagination run wild playing with your beloved Star Wars guys.

I love watching you play your Star Wars video game (your favorite thing ever right now)- the way your little fingers move to work the controls is amazing to me, and the look of concentration on your little face as you play is so sweet.
I love that you are perfectly content sitting on the floor with me in the playroom putting together puzzles and reading books all afternoon.

I love how you will sit with me for long periods of time and chat with me. The conversation is most often dominated by you, and I most often can only understand bits and pieces as whatever it is you are speaking about seems to be of great importance and cannot get out of your little mouth fast enough, but I don't mind at all. I just sit back and savor every moment, watching you speak, and seeing your facial expressions. Priceless.

These are moments I wish I could freeze in time. Moments that are so very special to me - Every.Single.One.
You are such a good little boy Anthony Thomas, people who do not know you will never understand how truly special you are. It has been such a joy watching you grow up over the past 3 years. You are growing by leaps and bounds, learning new things every day - I can't wait to see what the next 3 years brings.

Happy, happy birthday my "Sweetsy Cola", Mommy loves you to the moon.

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