Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Save the Drama For Your...

We all know how the old addage goes, so need I finish it??

Oh how I wish that Ava would not save the drama for me, aka "mama". Why can't she save it up and unleash it all on her Dad every once and awhile? It all wears me down, every day there seems to be something she can find to have a break down about. Every darn day. Here are some examples from this week.

I asked her to share a piece of the gum I bought at Target with her brother - she broke down in tears saying "It is just not fair, it is my gum!" She cried for a half hour.

Anthony started to play her playstation handheld that she had absolutely no interest in until she saw him playing it. She said she wanted it back "RIGHT NOW" because she was just about to play it (yah, right.) I tell her no, and a 30 minute melt down insued.

I told her she could not sit in the front seat with me as it is not safe. She needed to be in the back seat in her booster. She cried the whole way to Grandma and Papa's saying "It's not fair, I am big enough to sit in the front seat!" (30 minute ride)

We were working on the alphabet and she was writing out all of the letters in her notebook, when she got to "y" she was stumped. I showed her how to write it, then had her try. She wrote it backwards, noticed it was wrong, ripped the page out of the notebook, crumpled it up in a ball and threw it on the floor. This time no crying, just a very dramatic sour puss look on her face. She kept that look on her face for about 20 minutes before trying the alphabet again.

She came home from school the other day asking when I was going to set up the play date with Lauren. I told her I was working on it. Her response, " You have been saying that forever! I am never going to get to play with Lauren!"

All of these "episodes" have led to her having to apologize, and some have lead to a time out in her room (what she dreads the most). So as you can see, I am trying to "nip this in the bud" now, before she is acting like this as a teenager. (Oh the teenage years, I am scared, very scared.)

I have spoken to my girlfriends who have girls and they all assure me that they are in the same boat. That all girls are just this dramatic. I wanted to hear from more women, outside of my few close girlfriends, so I asked some more. How, do you ask, did I do this?

Well good old Facebook, of course! I wrote as my status update: "Are all 6 year old girls this dramatic about pretty much everything?"

Here are some of the responses I received.

"Yes and it only gets worse. It's a long, continuous phase, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me."

"There are glimmers of light along the way and just when you start to believe the phase is over...another wave of tsunami comes rolling in... I can gurantee you, it continues into their teens, only the subject matter changes..."

"Yes, they are....and if I think that it's going to get better, my mom just reminds me what I was like....if that's the case then I'm screwed! :)"

Unfortunately, it does not look like things are going to get any better anytime soon. I will have to resort to the fact that I will be dealing with this for many, many years to come and learn to just deal with it.

At least I can take comfort in the fact that pretty much every other mom out there can relate. Because really, there is nothing better than other mom's sharing in your plight. It just makes you feel a bit better that you are not alone in this battle we call parenting, right?

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